

Wayne State College

Building and Person Emergencies

Active Shooter

An active shooter scenario on campus is probably the most difficult situation to predict, and the events will happen very quickly. Please be aware that if we are faced with an active shooter scenario, that emergency responders may implement several types of activities, such as campus lockdown, shelter in-place and protect, AND evacuation.

  • Seek sanctuary by proceeding to a room that can be locked, close and lock all windows and doors and turn off all lights OR exit the building if safe conditions exist.
  • Get down on the floor and ensure that no one is visible from outside the room.
  • Call 911 from a campus phone or dial 402-375-7216 from any other phone to access the Wayne State College Campus Security Department and advise the dispatcher of the events.
  • Inform him/her of your location, and remain in place until the emergency responders give the “all clear” signal.
  • If you are in a room that cannot be locked, place large, heavy objects in front of the doorway to impede the path and vision of an intruder.
  • If an active shooter enters your office or classroom, try to remain calm. Call 911 from a campus phone or dial 402-375-7216 from any other phone, and if possible, alert the dispatcher of the shooter’s location. If you cannot speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can listen to what’s taking place.
  • If the shooter leaves the area, proceed immediately to a safer place and do not touch anything that was in the vicinity of the shooter, as these items could be POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS to you and others.

Department of Homeland Security: Active Shooter Preparedness

Resource Materials and Workshops

Options for Consideration - Active Shooter Training Video